

🐝 Infused Mead 🔥 Best Seller 🔥

🍺 Highgarden - IPA 

🍺 Highgarden - IPA special dry

🍺 Highgarden - KÖLSCH

🍺 Highgarden - SMASH

🍺 Highgarden - Fake Lager


Kölsch is warm fermented with top-fermenting yeast, then conditioned at cold temperatures like a lager.

Kölsch tends to be light and drinkable, often with a touch of subtle fruitiness and spice like an ale but with a crisper, cleaner finish you would expect from a pale lager. These attributes make Kölsch an extremely quaffable style of beer that still has a bit of integrity and is perfect for any occasion.

Kölsch was first brewed in Germany, and while technically it is an Ale, it also has some brewing traits typical of Lagers. That's because warm-fermenting ale yeast is used during the brewing of Kolsch, but then it is conditioned at a cold temperature like a lager.

Due to their exceptionally refreshing style and light flavour profile, kölsch beers are often most enjoyable on their own on a steamy hot day. When looking to pair them with food, go for light salad, fish, and crustacean dishes or German sausages or light fruit-based desserts.

Infused MEAD

Mead is the first known alcoholic beverage consumed by mankind and is believed to predate wine by nearly three thousand years. Today, mead is often referred to as 'honey wine' because the process of making mead and wine are so similar. The key difference is the use of honey rather than grapes as a source of sugar.

Beer or Wine ?

Mead is made by fermenting the sugars in honey. Since honey is neither a grain nor a fruit, mead does not fall into the categories of beer or wine.

Mead will taste differently depending on the production process and the ingredients added. The simple answer would be that a standard, real mead tastes like a medium sweet wine, with a similar texture to sherry but with a distinct tone of honey.

Mead is a sweet fermented drink made from honey that pairs well with salty foods.



The Amarillo hop variety was accidentally discovered by Virgil Gamache Farms in 1990 when they found it growing alongside their Liberty hop field. They began cultivating it in 1991, then patented it as a new variety in 2003. It was originally patented under the identifier of VGXP01. It was released to the public shortly after receiving the patent.

Amarillo is sometimes referred to as Amarillo Gold.

US hops begin to be harvested in mid-to-late August for most aroma varieties.

Flavor & Aroma Profile

Highgarden Fake Lager

6% ABV

Infused Cannabis MEAD

6% ABV